Stepping Out

My husband teaches me something new every day. All I have to do is pay close attention to the things he says and does so as to see the method behind his madness. 

He decided to get a travel trailer so that we could explore our lovely state. And we started with our local state park. Ive always wanted to spend more time there but didnt have the means. I was able to do just that this past week. We spent about 4 days there and had the time of our lives! We hiked, roasted wieners, made smores, skipped rocks, looked at the holiday lights and enjoid every minute!  The children had such a wonderful time and Im so glad we were able to go on the outing!

Leaving our comfort zones is a little scary but so worth it!  Be blessed!

This Woman’s Work

Pray God you can cope/I stand outside/This woman’s work/This woman’s world/Ooooh it’s hard on a man. – Kate Bush

Even in the Bible, the woman is regarded as a hard-working, conservative, homemaker who wears many hats.  We hold many job but get paid for only one.  While the day-to-day life of a good woman is difficult, it is very rewarding. 

We get a chance to, God willing, see the fruitage of our labor (childbirth included) on graduation day.  I have already been blessed to see one of my children give birth to a son last December and walk with her friends on commencement day this May.

For those of us who are married, after the children leave the nest we still have much to do – rearing the husband!

Til next time!

The Space That God Made

The most beautiful thing that we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists of all time.  In my opinion he was the greatest.  Einstein’s brain was removed within 7 hours of his death and has been the subject of many scientific studies.  The essence of these studies is to understand Einstein’s genius.  No concrete conclusions have been reached thus far. 

The most concrete evidence that I know comes from the spiritual realm.  We can attempt to explain phenomena on our own and spend our entire lives in darkness.  Or we can accept the fact that there is a higher power at work. 

Our minds are infinite wonders that only one entity in this universe can explain.  The brain has been likened to a supercomputer, capable of holding a seemingly endless amount of information. Yet we only use a small portion of our brain.

Science at times has no space for religion.  But it is religion that holds the key to the unknown workings of our minds and hearts.  Religion is the missing link to all the explanations Science needs but purposely lacks.

It seems only right that we look to God, by means of his word, for the things we do not understand.  Any creator would know everything there is to know about his creation, right?

Today Was A Good Day

This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24

TGIF! I have really enjoyed this day, at work and home. Spending time with people who you love working with then coming home to a loving family is a blessing that some dont have.  I sometimes get frustrated but there is always something or someone to remind me of how blessed I am.  Just being alive is a wonderful thing!

This was a wonderful day and Im thankful to have been a part of it. Peace

The Beauty in Everything

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. – Confucius

God, a newborn baby’s first cry, nature, outer space, a good book, a pair of Jimmy Choo heels, a puppy.  A sunset, a sunrise, a home-cooked meal, a smile of appreciation, an embrace from a dear friend.  Lovely and wonderful things and people surround us each day.  At some point in our lives we get so caught up in the fast pace of the world and forget to stop and chill.  We do not take time to appreciate the small things. We seem to rather enjoy the stress and disappointment that everyday life can and does bring.  If and when we could just sit and daydream for a few minutes, wake up a little earlier each day to meditate, our lives would be so much better. And then and only then will we find beauty in everything.

Where Are The Wild Things?

As I watched “Where The Wild Things Are” a few days ago, I began thinking about reading the book to my children when they were small. They truly loved that particular book and wanted to hear the story almost every day. I believe that the reason my children enjoyed the story is that it allowed them to use their imaginations to the fullest! Even after reading the book countless times it was and will always be one of my favorite childrens’ books.

But why is it that when our children get older they seem to lose a part of those fabulous imaginations? Yes reality is what we live each day. Our imaginations are what fuels us all to create and innovate. If entrepreneurs, novelists, poets, etc., did not take full advantage of their imaginations, we would not have much of the technology and great writings of our time. Let’s not forget that the imagination is a part of us that we need to stay sane in a sometimes insane world.

How Soon We Forget

Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. – William James

We get so wrapped up in our own feelings that we tend to forget others. I am guilty of this and I pray that person knows how much I love and care for them.

Hello world!

I cannot think well of a man who sports with any woman’s feelings, and there may often be a great deal more suffered than a stander-by can judge of. – Jane Austen

Hello world! How ya doin?

This was a wonderful & very hot Monday! It was the 1st day of summer, the longest day of the year & the summer solstice! My work day was great; not too busy & pretty quiet. Those are the kind of days I love!

As you can possibly gather from the quote at the beginning of my blog, my husband has worked my nerves. A woman or anyone for that matter should be able to verbally express their feelings. Our emotions are not to be taken lightly. If I make any attempt to tell my loving, hard-working husband how I feel, he goes into his “Woe is Me” spill. Now don’t get me wrong. I love my husband more than words can say and I fully understand that he is under a great deal of stress. But I need some understanding and the ability to vent at a moment’s notice should be acceptable. So he could be more sympathetic to my plight as I am to his.

On a lighter note, my 2 middle children, age 14 & 15, are gone to a 2 week camp. Thank you God for the break! Teenagers these days get so bored so easily & they give me headaches! With all this new tech one would think teenagers could keep themselves pretty occupied. But Im beginning to think that its the tech that causes alot of problems with kids.

My little grandson will be 7 months old soon! He is growing up so fast & too fast! He lives with his Mom & Dad 30 miles away & don’t get to see him very often. It breaks my heart! But Im so thankful that he is a healthy, happy & chunky baby!

I hope that everyone who reads my blogs are inspired & entertained! Have a great evening! And remember: Each day is a gift from God! Use it wisely!